These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in Hungary.

These General Terms and Conditions (hereinafter referred to as GTC) contain the terms and conditions of use by the user entering the Website (hereinafter referred to as “the Customer”) on the website (hereinafter referred to as “the Website”). (webshop operator: Katalin Nagy private entrepreneur), address: 1222 Budapest, Bérkocsi utca 5., registration number: 57477437, tax number:  70976360-1-43, bank account number: 16200151-18571767 (hereinafter the Service Provider, Data Controller) will submit himself under the following. The GTC also contains the terms and conditions for purchasing and contracting through the Online Store available on the Website and the terms and conditions of the contractual relationship. Any technical information required for the use of the Website, not contained in this GTC, is provided by other information available on the Website. The provisions of the present GTC and the notices and other information available on the Website shall be read together and shall be interpreted in conjunction with each other. If the contents of this GTC and other information contained in this Site are different, the provisions of this GTC shall apply. The Customer, by using the Website, acknowledges and accepts the terms of this GTC. The present GTC and the website notices, as well as other information, include the full content of the Contract between the Service Provider and the Customer. The contract language is Hungarian. The order placed on the Website is not a written declaration, but classifies a legal declaration made with implicit attitude, so the contract concluded electronically between the Customer and the Service Provider is not a written contract, the Service Provider does not file it, so it is not accessible and cannot be viewed at a later time. The Service Provider does not undertake any provisions of any Code of Conduct. The Customer, by using the Website, acknowledges and accepts the following:

1. Activities on the website
Through the Website, the Service Provider performs retail sales of second-hand items and conducts parcel delivery and web commerce.

2. Terms of Use
Through the Website, the Service Provider performs retail sales of second-hand items and conducts parcel delivery and web commerce.

2.1 Responsibility
Due to the global nature of the Internet, the Customer accepts that, when using the Website, he / she must comply with the relevant national legislation. If any activity related to the use of the Website is not permitted under the law of the Customer’s state, the Customer shall be solely liable for the use.

2.2 Assignment and transfer of rights
The Service Provider is entitled to transfer the rights or claims arising from the contract resulting from this GTC. The Customer may continue to rely on the objections and may offset the counterclaims that were incurred on a legal basis already upon the notification of the transfer. Without the written consent of the Service Provider, the Customer is not entitled to transfer his rights or claims arising from the contract resulting from this GTC.

2.3 Copyright
The Website as a whole, its graphic elements, texts and technical solutions, and the elements of the Service are under copyright protection or other intellectual property rights (such as trademark protection). The Service Provider is the copyright holder or authorized user of any content displayed on the Site and in the provision of services available through the Website: any copyright or other intellectual property (including, but not limited to, all graphics and other materials, layout, editing, software and other solutions, ideas, implementation). The Service Provider reserves all the rights to all aspects of its service, in particular the domain name and the iparcikkműhely logo.

3. Purchase on the Website
3.1 Registration
There is no registration for making a purchase on the website.

3.2 Purchase
Through the Website, the Customer may purchase the products advertised for sale on the Site. You can find out about the details of the product you want to buy, the price or any other optional features after clicking the product name or product image. The Customer can click on ‘Add to Cart’ on the product information page to select the product you want to buy and place it in your cart. The Customer can check the content of the cart (the number of selected products and the total purchase price) by moving the cursor over the ‘Cart’ icon. By clicking on the cart icon, the Customer is navigated to the Cart interface. In the Cart interface the Customer can view and check in detail the list of products placed in the cart, their price and the full purchase price at the bottom of the summary table. Here, you can still change the contents of the cart at any time, as you have the option to delete the product from your cart by clicking the ‘Delete’ button. By clicking ‘Home’, the Website will be redirected to the Homepage where you can continue browsing the site. By clicking the ‘Checkout’ button, the Customer can continue shopping on the Website. In the displayed interface, the Customer must provide the Billing Information.

  • Last name
  • Surname
  • Company name (for a company)
  • Phone number
  • E-mail address
  • Country
  • Zip code
  • City
  • Street address
  • Shipping to a different address (optional)

On the summary interface, the Customer has the opportunity to check the purchase, in particular the options that he chooses, the product to be purchased, its price, the postage and the method of payment he chooses. By clicking on the ‘X’ in the top right-hand corner, the Customer can return from the summary page at any time. Clicking the ‘Buy’ button at the bottom of the page will create a payment obligation for the Customer. After fulfilling the payment obligation, the Service Provider automatically notifies the Customer about the success of the purchase.

3.3 Price of products
The purchase price of products displayed on the website is shown in gross. The purchase price shown next to the products does not include the shipping cost. Packaging costs are not charged. The prices of products are quoted in Hungarian Forint (HUF). The total amount payable and the e-invoice includes all costs including the shipping fee.A Honlapon megjelenített termékek vételára bruttóban van feltüntetve.

3.4 Improving Data Input Errors
The Customer can correct any data entry errors at any time during the purchasing process until the paymenton the Website at any time to correct the data entry errors (eg by deleting a product from the cart by clicking on the ‘Delete’ button). For example a misplaced quantity, placing a wrong product in the basket, and then deleting the product from the cart, mistyping ordering information, etc. (eg shipping address) is considered a data entry error.

3.5 Purchasing, confirmation
At the same time as the purchase, the Service Provider sends a confirmation to the Customer, which contains the information (billing and shipping information) provided by the Buyer during the purchase, the purchase identification number, the purchase date and the list of purchased products, the quantity, product price, shipping price and paid amount. The purchase is a contract concluded electronically and is governed by Act V of the Civil Code of 2013, on electronic commerce services and Act CVIII of 2001 on certain issues of information society services. The contract is governed by Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26. on detailed rules for contracts between consumers and businesses and takes into account the provisions of Directive 2011/83/EU of the European Parliament and of the Council on consumer rights.

3.6 Payment

3.6.1  Payment by bankcard via the Barion site:

3.6.2  Online bank card payments are made through Barion’s system. The bank card data will not reach the merchant. Barion Payment Zrt., which provides the service, is an institution under the supervision of the Magyar Nemzeti Bank, license number: H-EN-I-1064/2013.

3.6.3 On the Website on arrival at the purchase process, the Service Provider redirects it to the secure site of Barion, which can be used in Hungarian. The amount to be paid is taken from the Site, that is, from the cart interface,which can be checked here too. To make a payment, you must enter the name on the credit card, the card number and validity, and the authenticating CW code. By clicking on ‘Payment’ after entering the data within seconds the transaction is complete. Barion currently accepts 4 types of bank cards. Bank cards suitable for payment in the Barion system are Visa, Visa Electron, MasterCard and MasterCard Maestro. The system uses a secure channel and is automatic. The financial service provider will only receive the card information provided by the Customer for the payment transaction on the 128-bit SSL-encrypted payment page. The Service Provider does not notify the financial service provider of personal information relating to the order and the content of the purchase. On the other hand, the data entered on the payment page is not disclosed to the Service Provider and can only be accessed by the financial service provider. After the payment, the financial service provider informs you of the transaction result. For the card payment, the Customer’s Internet browser program must support SSL encryption. The amount paid as the final amount of the order is immediately locked on the buyer’s current account.

3.7 Invoice
The Service Provider sends an electronic invoice to the Customer for the purchased products and the payment confirmation,to the e-mail address provided during the purchase process.

3.8.1 Delivery
Shipping is done in an MPL Mailbox. It is important that if you observe any damage on the package during receipt, do not take accept the product and return it, at the same time, notify the Service Provider by email.

3.8.2 Shipping costs
Shipping costs are based on the total weight of purchased products and the delivery zone distances.

3.8.3 Delivery deadline
The delivery time after purchase is 4-5 business days.The Service Provider is obliged to dispatch the product (ship it) to the consumer without delay, but no later than 14 days after the conclusion of the contract. If the Service Provider fails to comply within the deadline, the consumer is entitled to terminate the contract.

4. Cancellation policy

4.1. Procedure for exercising the right of cancellation
The provisions of this clause apply only to a natural person acting outside the scope of his profession, self-employment or business, who purchases, orders, receives, uses, makes use of, and commits to, the commercial communication and offer of the goods (hereinafter referred to as “Consumer”). The Consumer is entitled under the Government Decree 45/2014 (II.26.) on the detailed rules of contracts between the consumer and the business to cancel the contract for the sales of a product within fourteen (14) days  from the date of receipt of the

  • product
  • when more products are provided, the last provided product,
  • in the case of a product consisting of several items or pieces, the last item or piece,t
  • if the product has to be delivered on a regular basis within a specified period, the first service; by the consumer or by a third party other than the carrier appointed by the Consumer, to terminate the contract without justification.

If you wish to exercise your right of cancellation, you must send a clear statement of your intention to cancel by email to the Service Provider at the address For this purpose the Consumer may use the cancellation statement. Consumer shall exercise his right of withdrawal within the deadline if he sends his cancellation statement to the Service Provider before the expiry of the above deadline (even on the 14th day). Service Provider will confirm the arrival of the cancellation statement by email.In the event of a cancellation, the Consumer is obliged to post the ordered product back to the Service Provider’s address without undue delay but no later than within 72 hours of the date of the cancellation statement.  The cost of returning the product to the Service Provider’s address is borne by the Consumer. The method of returning the product to the Service Provider’s address must be the same as that used by the Service Provider in the transaction, in all cases; registered shipment with value insurance.The Service Provider can not accept c.o.d. Returned shipments. In addition to the cost of returning the product, the Customer will not be charged any other costs in connection with the cancellation. If a Consumer cancels the contract, the Service Provider shall refund all remittances, including the shipping cost, within 14 days of receipt of the returned product. The service provider uses a payment method that is identical to the payment method used in the original transaction during the refund. The Consumer may be held liable for any possible depreciation in the product if it has been due to the use of the product in excess of for the purpose of determining the nature, properties and operation of the product. In this case, the Service Provider will claim the costs of the resulting depreciation, in particular the products sold by the Service Provider as original or restored objects, and their external integrity.

5. Warranty
In the case of used products, as a rule, the warranty rights are different from the general warranty rules. The products delivered by the Service Provider are used and unique products. The decisive basis of their value as original or restored objects is their external integrity.  Therefore, the Service Provider does not take any warranty or guarantee beyond the 14 day cancellation period provided by the cancellation right, in particular with regard to possible depreciation if it occurs due to use in excess of what is required to establish the nature, properties and operation of the product, even within the cancellation period.

6.Operation of digital data content, technical protection measures, hardware and software compatibility
The Website runs with all kinds of browser software and operating systems. The Website communicates through http protocol. Communication via the Website is not encrypted, except for pages requiring personal information that are provided with https protocol. The Website is SSL Certified. The Website runs on the servers of 23VNet Számítástechnikai és Internet Szolgáltató Kft.

7. Unilateral modification of Terms and Conditions
The Service Provider is entitled to amend these Terms and Conditions by prior notification of users on the Website, unilaterally. The amended provisions will enter into force after the entry into force of the Website on the first use of the Website by the Customer, and shall be applied to orders placed after the change.

8. Legal references

Data handling
2011. évi CXII. törvény (Infotv.)

Withdrawal, product warranty, supplies warranty, refund
45/2014. (II. 26.) Korm. rendelet

151/2003. (IX. 22.) Korm. rendelet

1999. évi LXXVI. törvény

The following legislation in particular applies to the GTC:

1997. évi CLV. törvény a fogyasztóvédelemről;

2001. évi CVIII. törvény az elektronikus kereskedelmi szolgáltatások, valamint az információs társadalommal összefüggő szolgáltatások egyes kérdéseiről;

2013. évi V. törvény a Polgári Törvénykönyvről (PTK);

151/2003. (IX. 22.) Korm. rendelet az egyes tartós fogyasztási cikkekre vonatkozó kötelező jótállásról;

45/2014 (II.26) kormányrendelet a fogyasztó és a vállalkozás közötti szerződések részletes szabályairól;

19/2014. (IV. 29.) NGM rendelet a fogyasztó és vállalkozás közötti szerződés keretében eladott dolgokra vonatkozó szavatossági és jótállási igények intézésének eljárási szabályairól


These General Terms and Conditions entered into force on: 01.03.2020